IT Job Search

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Succeeding at a January job search
Get The Best Out Of Your January Job Search

Is a January job search on your list of priorities for 2023? January is a great time to find new work as hiring managers often have a larger budget and time to dedicate to new hires. Check out my strategies for job seeking at the start of the year.

How to resign professionally
How To Resign Professionally

Are you in the process of looking for a new IT job and wanting to understand how to resign professionally when the time comes? This article gives you step-by-step guidance, answering all of your concerns and worries in the process.

Remote IT job
Top Tips For Securing A Remote IT Job

Remote working is becoming normal practice for many IT professionals, yet some workplaces refuse to follow the crowd and still do not accept this change in the market. In this blog, I discuss some of the best methods to overcome these attitudes in order to secure your perfect remote IT role.

IR35 changes
IR35 Changes: IT Contractors Not Out Of The Woods Yet

Last week, our Chancellor announced his intention to repeal the 2021 IR35 changes. This unprecendented move has led to many questions over how these changes to IR35 will impact contract workers, and how we should expect HMRC to respond.

contract it recruitment
Key Differences Between Permanent And Contract IT Recruitment

As someone new to the world of recruitment, I wasn't aware how many differences there were between permanent and contract IT recruitment. In this article, I discuss the numerous reasons why IT professionals prefer one type over the other.

IT job
7 Red Flags To Be Aware Of In Your Next Interview

Searching for a new IT job can be a stressful time, it can make many candidates want the process to be over as soon as possible. However, it’s important to make the most of the interviewing period so you know you and the company are a good fit for each other. Here are our top tips for separating the good employers from the bad.

IT job
Secure Your IT Job With My Job Search Strategy Tips

Update your CV, utilise your network, make sure recruiters can contact you... these might sound obvious, but you wouldn't believe the amount of fantastic IT candidates I speak with who forget about the basics of searching for a new job!

IT recruitment
IT Job Interviews: Signs That A Workplace Or Manager Is Toxic

From speaking with thousands of IT candidates who have had negative experiences, I believe there are often a number of indicators in the job description, interview process, and job offer stage which can give away a company's toxicity.

Project Manager Recruitment Agency
Working With A Project Manager Recruitment Agency To Identify Your Next Job

Looking for your next job can sometimes feel like a full-time job in itself. Working with a project manager recruitment agency can take away a lot of these stresses, leaving you time to fully prepare yourself for technical assessments and interviews.

Asking for interview feedback
Asking For Interview Feedback From Your IT Recruitment Agency

Getting rejected after a job interview isn't easy. However, it's important to remember that by asking for interview feedback from your IT recruitment agency, you are gaining information which will allow you to pick yourself up and dust yourself off!

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